Thursday 20 February 2014

Macleod's Clinical Diagnosis

API Textbook of Medicine (9th Ed.)

API Textbook of Medicine (9th Ed.)
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Emery & Rimoin’s Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics (6th Ed.)

Emery & Rimoin’s Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics (6th Ed.)

CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2014

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Tuesday 18 February 2014

Coloring Atlas of the Human Body

Coloring Atlas of the Human Body

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Hematology - Basic Principles & Practice (6th Ed.

Hematology - Basic Principles & Practice (6th Ed.)

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Monday 17 February 2014

The incredible story of Phineas Gage and the prefrontal cortex.

The incredible story of Phineas Gage and the prefrontal cortex.

 It’s quite possible some of you know this story already, but for the ones who don’t I’ll tell it anyway.

 The first clue of the role of the prefrontal cortex in controlling our personality and ”˜social behaviour’ (also referred to as the formation of ”˜structured event knowledge’) was derived from the near-fatal accident of the American railroad worker Phineas Gage (1823 ”“ 1860).

 On September 13, 1848, 25-year-old Gage was foreman of a work gangblasting rock while preparing the roadbed for the Rutland & Burlington Railroad outside the town of Cavendish, Vermont. After a hole was bored into a body of rock, one of Gage's duties was to add blasting powder, a fuse and sand, then compact the charge into the hole using a tamping iron ”“ a large iron rod. Possibly because the sand was omitted, around 4:30 PM “the powder exploded, carrying an instrument through his head an inch and a fourth in diameter, and three feet and seven inches in length, which he was using at the time. The iron entered on the side of his face... passing back of the left eye, and out at the top of the head.” From that day forth, Gage was known as “the American Crowbar Case”, although I should point out that back then a crowbar did not have the bend or claw like it has today. Gage's tamping iron was simply a cylinder, “round and rendered comparatively smooth by use.” The drawing shows how the rod penetrated Gage’s head.

Schedel Phineas Gage.jpg Amazingly, Gage spoke within a few minutes, walked with little or no assistance, and sat upright in a cart for the 3⁄4-mile (1.2 km) ride to his lodgings in town. The first physician to arrive was Dr. Edward H. Williams:

 “I first noticed the wound upon the head before I alighted from my carriage, the pulsations of the brain being very distinct. Mr. Gage, during the time I was examining this wound, was relating the manner in which he was injured to the bystanders. I did not believe Mr. Gage's statement at that time, but thought he was deceived. Mr. Gage persisted in saying that the bar went through his head.... Mr. G. got up and vomited; the effort of vomiting pressed out about half a teacupful of the brain, which fell upon the floor.

” Dr. John Martyn Harlow took charge of the case about an hour later:

“You will excuse me for remarking here, that the picture presented was, to one unaccustomed to military surgery, truly terrific; but the patient bore his sufferings with the most heroic firmness. He recognized me at once, and said he hoped he was not much hurt. He seemed to be perfectly conscious, but was getting exhausted from the hemorrhage. His person, and the bed on which he was laid, were literally one gore of blood.

” But already two months later, on October 7, Gage “succeeded in raising himself up, and took one step to his chair.” One month later he was walking “up and down stairs, and about the house, into the piazza,” and while Harlow was absent for a week, Gage was “in the street every day except Sunday,” his desire to return to his family in New Hampshire being “uncontrollable by his friends... got wet feet and a chill.” He soon developed a fever, but by mid-November he was “feeling better in every respect... walking about the house again; says he feels no pain in the head.

” Unfortunately however, despite the lack of pain and his relatively well being, he was ”˜no longer Gage’. In contrary to his previous calm, responsible en socially well-adapted personality, Gage had become a rude, non-social character, seemingly caring nothing about the opinions or feelings of others. This is disputed by some researches however, claiming the personality had only changed for a short period of time and that in the end he’d become decent and vain. The second portrait would demonstrate this, Gage being well-dressed ”“ like he would always be ”“ and proudly holding his so called ”˜constant companion’.

 Portret Gage.jpg Whatever is true, the fact remains that the dreadful accident in September 1848 has led to an idea that is still recognised by scientists today, and that many similar circumstances (like soldiers having their prefrontal cortexes pierced by grenade splinters) have resulted in comparable, remarkable changes in personality.

Valentine Day And Health

Valentine Day And Health

Valentine's Day can be about more than just giving roses and a nice card to your sweetheart. You can use romance to improve your life expectancy and brain health in your later years.

 Studies have shown that individuals who consume a diet rich in anti-oxidants, enjoy a rich social life, and constantly challenge their bodies and brains in pleasurable ways often live longer -- and happier -- lives than their counterparts who aren't so inclined.

 So this Valentine's Day, see how many items you can check on this romance, health and longevity scorecard:

-- Eat dark chocolate
-- Drink red wine
-- Go ballroom dancing
-- Stay happily married
-- Have more sex So men

, take your paramour out to dinner, order some red wine and chocolate, go dancing, and after that...well, the rest is up to you.

And if you really want to score with your sweetie, plan your retirement so that she's guaranteed a lifetime retirement income.

This way, when you're gone, you won't be sorry that she's become an impoverished widow. After all, "love means never having to say you're sorry."

Alien Hand Syndrome

Alien Hand Syndrome

There is a very real, very disturbing, and very rare medical condition called “Alien Hand Syndrome” (AHS). An individual with this neurological disorder has full sensation in the rogue hand, but is unable to control its movements, and does not feel that it is a part of their body. The hand becomes personified, as if it has a will of its own, and its owner will usually deny ownership of the limb.

 Though AHS was first identified in 1908, it was not clearly defined until 1972. Depending on the cause of the injury, the movements may be random or purposeful, and may effect the dominant or non-dominant hand. The symptoms are brought on by an injury to the brain, such as head trauma, stroke, tumor, or infection, but it can also be a side effect of a certain kind of brain surgery where the patient has the two lobes of the brain separated to relieve severe epilepsy.

 As a side effect of brain surgery, or an injury to the corpus callosum (the area of the brain which connects the two halves of the brain), the movements are usually grasping motions in the non-dominant hand. When caused by head trauma, similar grasping and groping motions will often involuntarily occur in the dominant hand.

 When the condition is brought about by a brain tumor, aneurysm, or a stroke, the alien hand may also engage in complex purposeful behavior, such as compulsive manipulation of tools, undoing buttons, or tearing clothes. Sometimes the sufferer is completely unaware of what the hand is doing until it is brought to his or her attention, or until they happen to see it themselves.There is currently no treatment for Alien Hand Syndrome, but the symptoms can often be relieved by giving the rogue hand an object to manipulate, to keep it occupied.

Would you work in a hospital where a close relative of yours died?

Would you work in a hospital where a close relative of yours died?

What is your opinion about this situation , would you accept it ?

New drug to treat enlargement of the prostate

New drug to treat enlargement of the prostate

U.S. drug regulators approved Eli Lilly's Cialis drug to treat enlargement of the prostate, expanding use of the blockbuster impotence medicine.

 The Food and Drug Administration said Cialis could be labeled for treatment of the signs and symptoms of a non-cancerous enlarged prostate, called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and also be used for people who have both BPH and erectile dysfunction.

 About half of men over 50 suffer from prostate problems, which can cause difficulty urinating.

 "BPH can have a big impact on a patient's quality of life," said Scott Monroe, director of the FDA's division of reproductive and urologic products. "Cialis offers these men another treatment option, particularly those who also have ED (erectile dysfunction), which is also common in older men.

" U.S. researchers reported in the journal Urology in 2008 that impotence drugs could help reduce the symptoms caused by an enlarged prostate.

 The FDA said it has approved eight other drugs to treat BPH, including Merck & Co's Proscar, GlaxoSmithKline's Avodart and Pfizer's Cardura.

 In an interview in July, Eli Lilly CEO John Lechleiter said he expects the longer-lasting Cialis to overtake Pfizer's Viagra to become the market leader for impotence drugs.

Cialis, which the FDA approved for impotence in 2003, posted sales of $1.7 billion in 2010, up nine percent from the previous year, while global Viagra sales climbed two percent last year to $1.9 billion

Change Your Breath From Bad to Good

Change Your Breath From Bad to Good

Don't let your tongue become a dirty carpet

 Bad breath often strikes when people aren't properly taking care of their oral health. The odor is usually caused by decaying food particles and bacteria in your mouth. That's why brushing and flossing your teeth is so important, but don't forget to gently brush your tongue to get rid of even more bacteria. A clean tongue goes a long way to warding off bad breath, says Stephen Z. Wolner, a dentist in private practice in New York City. "Your tongue microscopically is like a shaggy carpet. There are millions of filaments on your tongue that trap tiny food particles and bacteria," he says. Get in the habit of regularly cleaning your tongue using a toothbrush, the edge of a spoon, or a tongue cleaner. If you have any mouth guards or oral devices, make sure to clean them thoroughly before putting them back in your mouth. Mouthwash isn't a bad idea, but it's only a temporary fix. Granted, a little mouthwash comes in handy before a romantic dinner for two, but it masks the odor instead of tackling the source of your problem.

Chew gum like it's going out of style

 Believe it or not, saliva is your best weapon against bad breath. That's why dry mouth, often caused by certain medications or medical conditions, leads to odor problems. By washing away food particles and bacteria, saliva helps to eliminate odor, too. If you're wondering why your breath stinks in the morning, it's largely because saliva production slows while you sleep, allowing particles and odor to linger longer. That's where sugarless gum comes in handy, as chewing it will stimulate saliva production. Mints, on the other hand, don't usually stimulate saliva production and only temporarily mask bad odor. "When you chew gum it makes you salivate, and the more saliva you have in your mouth the fewer bacteria you have. It not only mechanically washes bacteria out, but we have antiseptic and enzymes in our saliva that kill bacteria," says Wolner. While anything that makes you salivate will improve your breath, a gum that is sweetened with xylitol is your best option. Xylitol is a sugar substitute that not only increases salvation but also works to prevent bacteria from replicating in the mouth.

 Choose cinnamon -- it's sweeter

 A recent study of the cinnamon-flavored gum Big Red found that cinnamon might have breath-odor fighting abilities. Unlike other flavors, cinnamon is not just a cover-up, Wolner tells WebMD. In fact, he says, an ingredient in the flavoring appears to actually decrease the bacteria in your mouth. The only problem is that sugar gums are bad for your teeth, so stick to sugarless cinnamon-flavored gum instead.

 Drink more water

Wolner says the older you get the more likely you are to get dehydrated. You might not even notice you're thirsty, he says, so make drinking water a habit, because water will help keep the bacteria in your mouth to a minimum. Drinking water has a lot of health benefits, and preventing bad breath is one of them.

Rule out rare causes for bad breath

 While most bad breath can be banished with simple hygienic steps, there are times when dental or medical conditions might be the culprit. Make an appointment with your dentist if an unsavory odor takes residence in your mouth. "If there is a persistent odor in your mouth, and you know it's not from the pasta you ate last night, see a dentist," Wolner tells WebMD. Your dentist will be able to pinpoint any cavities or decay, or even periodontal (gum) disease, that might be causing your bad breath. Because on rare occasions bad breath can signal a larger problem, including infection, and even kidney or liver failure, you should also visit a doctor if your dentist doesn't find a cause for your bad breath problem.

 Have a slice of bread

 If you're on one of the many popular low-carb diets, remember that bad breath or "ketone breath" is a potential side effect when you always have that burger sans bun. You can try different methods of masking the odor, such as gum or tart candies, but adding a few carbs to your daily diet might also do the trick. Get a water pick You can't really clean your entire mouth with a toothbrush. "Using an irrigator or water pick cleans everything out around and under your gums and between your teeth," says Wolner. "If food lingers between your teeth where a toothbrush doesn't reach, it's fermenting." Next time you floss, take a whiff of your floss after you're done, and you'll have a good idea about what fermented or rotten food particles smell like.

Don't let bad breath go to your head

If you think you have bad breath, get a second opinion. "A large proportion of people who think they're social pariahs with terrible breath don't have bad breath at all," says Wolner.

Sunday 16 February 2014

7 Crazy Weight-Loss Methods You Should Never Try

7 Crazy Weight-Loss Methods You Should Never Try

Just when I think I’ve seen it all, another quick fix weight-loss method pops up. Over the years I’ve heard about weight-loss lollipops, diet chopsticks, even slimming sunglasses (designed to change the color of food and make it unappetizing). There will always be silly and trendy get-slim-quick tricks, but what really worries me are approaches that are invasive, extreme, and downright dangerous. Here are seven I hope you’ll never, ever try:

Plastic tongue patch

 Created by a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, this yet-to-be FDA-approved patch is sewn onto the tongue with six stitches in about 10 minutes, at a cost of roughly $2,000. The device and sutures make eating solid food so excruciatingly painful, patch wearers are forced to adhere to a liquid-only diet, which supplies about 800 calories a day.

Tube feeding

 When I first heard about this trend, I was speechless. To lose weight quickly, women, including many brides-to-be, are opting to have a feeding tube inserted through their noses, which travels through the esophagus into the stomach, remaining in place 24 hours a day. For 10 days, eating is avoided completely, and a high protein, low carb formula is fed through the tube, delivering roughly 800 daily calories. The medical procedure, which costs about $1,500, is normally used to nourish people who cannot eat due to illness or injury.


Drunkorexia is a relatively new term for the overlap of binge drinking and disordered eating. The pattern can involve behaviors like: restricting calories to “save them up” for alcohol; drinking excessively to the point of throwing up as a way to purge; overexercising before drinking or the following day; or starving the day after a night of binge drinking. The potential side effects of combining alcohol with undereating and/or purging are serious, including trouble concentrating, and difficulty making decisions, in addition to a weakened immune system, and a greater risk of injuries and acute alcohol poisoning. This is a trend I’ve noticed not just in college students, but also among women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s.


 While possessing tapeworms is illegal in the U.S., I regularly hear about people seeking them out for weight loss. The sad reality is that many people who unintentionally become infected with tapeworms in the United States suffer from serious dangers, including digestive blockages, organ function disruption, brain and nervous system damage, and even death.


Your body is like an engine that’s always turned on – from head to toe, every cell needs a constant source of fuel to perform its job. In addition, your structure is in a continual state of repair, healing, and regeneration, so your cells needs a steady supply of “building blocks,” including protein and healthy fats, to maintain your tissues. When needed fuel and essential raw materials don’t show up for work, or you consume less than your body requires to support a healthy weight, the deficits trigger a cascade of side effects. Even semi-starvation (less than about 1,000-1,200 calories per day for most women, depending on height and frame size, or more if you’re active) can lead to fatigue, depression, the breakdown of muscle, organ and bone tissue, suppressed immunity, hair loss, hormone imbalances, sleep disturbances, and an increased injury risk.


I wish this wasn’t the case, but I have had clients tell me they took up smoking specifically to lose weight, fully knowing the unhealthy consequences. It is true that smoking dulls taste buds, suppresses appetite, and slightly increases metabolism. But the health risks are so great that experts estimate they’re equal to gaining 100 pounds (not to mention the impact on aging your skin).


 Throughout my years specializing in weight loss and disordered eating, I’ve seen many women and men fall into the trap of using stimulant drugs to lose weight, then becoming addicted, and ending up in rehab, or worse. And even without dependence, over-the-counter, prescription, or illegal stimulants are risky, with potential side effects ranging from poor judgment, impulsivity and mood swings, to dangerously high blood pressure, seizures, and stroke.

How much sex is considered exercise?

How much sex is considered exercise?

Have sex in the morning; you can roll out of bed and right into your morning workout and you're already warmed up!


 Sex lasts six minutes on average and only burns about 21 calories, study says
 30 minutes of sex can burn in the neighborhood of 85 to 100 calories
 Incorporating some of your favorite yoga poses may up the caloric ante

The rumor: A bout of sexual activity can burn between 100 and 300 calories

 We hear all the time that sex is a great workout, but what are the hard facts? How much sex is considered exercise? On a scale from fast asleep to Brangelina, where does the average sexual encounter lie on the calorie-burning scale?

The verdict: Sex burns a few calories, but frequent friskiness isn't going to replace the gym

You may not be getting quite as good of a workout between the sheets as you think. According to a study conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine, sex lasts six minutes on average and only burns about 21 calories. As an exercise physiologist and someone who even finds ways to burn calories while driving and working on my computer, I found this to be a very disappointing statistic. According to WebMD, 30 minutes of sex can burn in the neighborhood of 85 to 100 calories; if you feel like you have a pretty vigorous sex life, you're probably on the higher end of that statistic. This got me thinking. While it appears that we probably shouldn't be giving up our gym memberships in the name of sex anytime soon, there are ways we can optimize our sexercise. Here are some ideas:

 Sex before breakfast.

Having sex in the morning is a great idea for several reasons. A man's testosterone levels are the highest between 7 and 8 a.m., for one. Also, if you make time for a half-hour morning session, you can roll out of bed and right into your morning workout and you're already warmed up! Now that's something worth setting your alarm for.

Flexi-sex. In the average yoga class, you can burn anywhere between 100 and 300 calories per half hour. Incorporating some of your favorite yoga poses into your sex life can definitely up the caloric ante and stretch your hip flexors at the same time. (I'll let you take creative liberty with this one.)

 Eating for endurance. Incorporating some endurance-boosting foods can also help when trying to kick it up a notch in the sex department. Foods such as figs, oysters, celery, blueberries, peanuts, bananas, garlic and even chocolate have the potential to boost a man's sexual stamina. (Note: Carb-loading the night before your morning sexathon is not recommended and will likely be counterproductive.)

 Switch it up. With sexercise -- as with any workout -- it's important to try new and different things all the time. By trying more challenging and adventurous positions, you use different muscles for stabilization, constantly surprising your body (and maybe your partner), and getting a better workout. If you find yourself in the same few positions every time and your most adventurous sex location is the foot of the bed (yawn), it's definitely time to mix it up.

 Core-gasm. Engage your core at all times while having sex. Focusing on your core and isolating the muscles around your pelvic floor will not only strengthen your six-pack, it'll make your tummy look flatter in the moment. Also, there's increasing evidence that the right core workouts can induce orgasm. Talk about double the pleasure!

Cross-train. We've already established that sex doesn't really count as your primary form of exercise, so why not exercise for better sex? Research shows that women who regularly exercise have more active sex lives, reach orgasm more quickly and are more easily aroused than sedentary women. Furthermore, in the study, women were more sexually responsive following 20 minutes of vigorous exercise. Among males, short intense exercise is linked with increased testosterone levels, which may stimulate sexual interest and behavior. Looking for the perfect warm-up and foreplay for a steamy hot shower session? A sexy morning workout with your other half may do the trick. Focus your workout on isolating muscles that will help you while in the sack. Pelvic thrusts are a must!

Oh please, not the “sex causes heart attack” story again

Oh please, not the “sex causes heart attack” story again

Sexual activity nearly triples the risk of having a heart attack, report researchers from Tufts University and the Harvard School of Public Health in yesterday’s Journal of the American Medical Association.

For anyone who is sexually active—especially anyone worried about his or her heart—that’s an eye-catching and fear-inducing finding. It’s a message reinforced by television (Downton Abbey, Mad Men, and Rescue Me are just a few series that have used heart attack after sex as a plot device).

 But before you swear off sex forever, realize that “triples” refers to the relative risk. It’s calculated like this: A day or two day after having a heart attack, an individual is asked to recount all of the things he or she had done in the hours before the attack. Then as a “control,” the person is asked to list what he or she had done the day before (a day without a heart attack). The various activities on the heart attack day are compared with those on the non-attack day to calculate the relative risk. But the relative risk isn’t nearly as important as the absolute risk. Here’s a calculation by Dr. James E. Muller, a cardiologist at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital, in an earlier article about sex and heart attack. The absolute risk of heart attack for a 50-year-old man who exercises regularly is 1 chance in a million per hour. Tripling that risk by engaging in sexual activity boosts it to 3 in one million per hour, and only for the two-hour period during and after sexual activity. For a heart attack survivor who is getting back into shape, the absolute risk of 10 in one million per hour increases to 30 in one million per hour.

 In other words, sex can trigger a heart attack, but it doesn’t happen very often. What’s more, in the JAMA study the chances of having a sex-related heart attack was lower in people who regularly exercised than it was among those who rarely exercised.

When sex is classified as a form of physical exertion, it’s pretty far down there in the mild to moderate intensity category. Sexual activity averages 2 to 3 metabolic equivalents (METs), a measure of energy expenditure, and may go up to 3 to 4 METs at orgasm. In comparison, walking slowly on level ground or doing light housework clocks in at 2 METs; climbing stairs, 3 to 4 METs; shoveling light snow, 6 to 7 METs.

The numbers for sexual activity are averages, of course. Sexual positions affect the potential effects on the heart. A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed greater energy expenditure during sexual intercourse for both partners with the man on top (2.0 to 5.4 METs) than with the woman on top (2.5 to 3.0 METs). And sex with a new partner in an unfamiliar setting increases the relative risk more than sex with a familiar partner in a familiar setting.

The good news from this study is that sex is a relatively rare trigger of heart attack or sudden death—even less than shoveling snow. The even better news is that regular physical activity, like walking or having sex, reduces the relative risk of having a heart attack while exercising or having sex by five-fold or more, according to the JAMA study. Factor in the fact that regular physical activity improves sexual function, and it’s amazing that walking trails, cycling routes, and other exercise venues aren’t always mobbed.

How Can Scary Movies Affect Your Health ?

How Can Scary Movies Affect Your Health ?

Viewers who put themselves through 90 minutes of adrenaline-pumping terror can use up as much as 113 calories, close to the amount burned during a half-hour walk and the equivalent to a chocolate bar.

The movie top of the list of calorie-burners was found to be the 1980 psychological thriller The Shining, with the average viewer using up a whopping 184 calories. Jaws took the runner-up spot, with viewers burning on average 161 calories, and The Exorcist came third, with 158 calories.

The University of Westminster study measured the total energy expenditure of ten different people as they watched a selection of frightening movies.

Scientists recorded their heart rate, oxygen intake and carbon dioxide output - and discovered the number of calories used increased by on average a third during the films.

The research also revealed films featuring moments designed to make viewers jump in terror are the best calorie-burners, as they cause heart rates to soar.

Dr Richard Mackenzie, senior lecturer and specialist in cell metabolism and physiology at the University of Westminster, said: "Each of the ten films tested set pulses racing, sparking an increase in the heart rate of the case studies.

"As the pulse quickens and blood pumps around the body faster, the body experiences a surge in adrenaline.

"It is this release of fast acting adrenaline, produced during short bursts of intense stress (or in this case, brought on by fear), which is known to lower the appetite, increase the Basal Metabolic Rate and ultimately burn a higher level of calories.

" Helen Cowley, editor of the movie rental company LOVEFiLM - which commissioned the University of Westminster study - said: "We all know the feeling of wanting to hide behind the sofa or grab a pillow when watching scary or hair raising scenes, but this research suggests that maybe those seeking to burn some calories should keep their eyes on the screen."

 The top 10 calorie-burning frightening films were
1. The Shining: 184 calories
2. Jaws: 161 calories
3. The Exorcist: 158 calories
4. Alien: 152 calories
5. Saw: 133 calories
6. A Nightmare on Elm Street: 118 calories
7. Paranormal Activity: 111 calories
8. The Blair Witch Project: 105 calories
9. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: 107 calories 
10. [Rec]: 101 calories

Single People Die Younger

Single People Die Younger

It's great being single, isn't it? You get to sleep on either side of the bed; you never have to wait for the bathroom; you've got all that "me time." Except, well, you may be one of the unlucky singles who keel over about one decade earlier than your married friends, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

Although many studies point to the fact that singles just don’t fare as well in terms of health and longevity compared to the married, this new research shows “just how poorly the singles do,” explains lead author David Roelfs, assistant professor of sociology at the University of Louisville, Ky.

The researchers analyzed the data from some 90 previous studies, which included about 500 million people, and compared the risk of mortality for singles from those studies — defined as those who never married — to that of a married group, excluding those who are divorced or widowed.

The researchers found the risk of death was 32 percent higher across a lifetime for single men compared to married men. Single women face a 23 percent higher mortality risk, compared to married women.

 In real numbers, “under the worse-case scenario,” single men could die about eight to 17 years earlier than their married male friends, says Roelfs, citing that nearly all of the data was gleaned from studies conducted in the last 60 years. Women don't fare much better. They could die seven to 15 years earlier than their married female counterparts.

 The researchers speculate their longevity findings could be tied to poorer health benefits, meager public assistance and less income for singles. And some singles may not have the same social support that married couples have “by default,” explains Roelfs.

 “If you’re a couple, a spouse may be after you to eat better and go the doctor,” he says. “Sometimes it’s just easier to be healthier and less of a risk taker when you’re married.” Though single people can get some of that same support from parents, siblings and friends, he says.

 There is some good news for the spouseless: Singles who survive their younger years actually fare well over a lifespan. The relative risk of death for singles aged 30 to 39-years-old was 128 percent greater than among married people of the same age, but decreased to about 16 percent for single 70-year-olds when compared to 70-year olds in wedded bliss, according to the study.

And other research points to the fact that although the married still have better health than singles, the mortality gap between singles and the married is closing, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior.

So before all single ladies (and dudes) run screaming to the nearest justice of the peace to hook up, it's worth noting that, while the new research looked at mortality risk from a very large group, the study results are about “probabilities, not certainties,” says Roelfs. “The last thing we want is for some single person to say ‘Oh my God, I’m going to die young.’”

Still, not everyone accepts the premise that wedlock imparts any special healing effects.

 “I think there is a marriage bias,” says social psychologist Bella DePaulo, author of "Singled Out: How Singles are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored, and Still Live Happily Ever After." Too many studies, she believes, look at singles versus married people, without counting the divorced or widowed among the married cohort, skewing the numbers.

“You can’t say that single people would live longer if they got married, based on this research, because the researcher is only counting the people who got married and are still currently married.

 Divorced and widowed people got married at one time, too,” says DePaulo, a visiting professor in social psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Of course, the perfect study to answer the thorny question of whether marriage really does impart health benefits would be, well, unethical: randomly assigning people to stay single or to get married, and then following them throughout their lives.

 Then there’s the question of the quality of marriage — good, bad, indifferent — and its effect on longevity.

 “I don’t think you need a study to tell people that a lousy marriage is going to be bad for someone’s health,” Roelfs says.

Saturday 15 February 2014

10 Reasons To Give Up Smoking

10 Reasons To Give Up Smoking

Quit smoking to save money

 Smoking is unbelievably expensive. A 20-a-day smoker is thought to spend in excess of £1,800 each year on their habit. Plus, if you think about all the cigarettes that you give away to fellow smokers, the cost to you is actually even higher. And just imagine what you could do with an extra £1,800 every year! It’s also worth noting that if you have life insurance, it will be significantly cheaper if you are a non-smoker.

Quit smoking to protect your health

 If anything, you should give up smoking for your own health’s sake. Tobacco smoke contains addictive nicotine, as well as a whole range of other harmful chemicals, including carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide. Smoking causes a very long list of problems including various cancers, heart disease, strokes, impotence, and osteoporosis — so stopping now will reduce the risk of being affected by these conditions in the future.

Quit smoking to protect the health of others

 Not only is smoking bad for you, it affects others too. Passive or second-hand smoking means other people are put at risk by your habit. Pubs and bars are typical venues where passive smoking is at its worst, but at least steps have been taken into minimize the risk to customers and staff by the enforcement of smoking bans. Plus if you smoke at home, then you’ll be putting your family at risk too.

 Quit smoking for vanity reasons

Smoking causes premature aging. Take a look at fellow smokers, and then compare them to non-smokers of similar age that you know. It’s likely that the smokers’ skin will be far more wrinkled, pale and generally damaged. And think about this: a single cigarette is thought to reduce the blood supply to the skin for up to an hour. Smoking also stains the teeth — so you can usually spot a smoker just by the staining on their ‘not-so-pearly whites’.

Quit smoking and smell better!

 Smoke stinks! Non-smokers who spend a few hours in the company of smokers know how much is smells because when they get home they stink. Smoke gets everywhere — both in your clothing and your hair — so that you’ll always need to wash everything to get rid of the nasty smell. If you go into a bar that has a no smoking policy it will become very apparent that the place feels much ‘fresher’ than a dingy smoke-filled venue that you might be used to.

Quit smoking for your eyesight

 ‘Smoke Gets In Your Eyes’ isn’t just a catchy ballad — it’s a fact that you shouldn’t ignore. A night spent in a smoky environment can lead to a real stinging sensation in the eyes — and even if you don’t notice it that evening, you’ll certainly be aware the following morning when your eyes have that a ‘gritty’ feeling. This won’t be good if you need to have a sharp eye for detail on a daily basis. And it’s also worth mentioning here that smoking has been linked to eye disease and blindness!

Quit smoking to be more sociable

 You might think that enjoying a cigarette with friends is a good, sociable thing to do, and it might be the case with fellow smokers — but what about the non-smokers? Having a cigarette isn’t like enjoying a drink with friends. When you have a drink, you go the toilet afterwards — when you have a cigarette, you blow the smoke around for everyone to share, and quite often, unwittingly or not, directly in their face. Thias won’t help you get on their good side!

 Quit smoking to avoid fertility and pregnancy risks

 Smoking can have a major impact on a person’s ability to have children by affecting women’s ovaries and men’s sperm counts. Additionally, if you’re a woman and you’re pregnant, there are even more reasons to give up. Smoking when pregnant can cause low birth weight, premature birth, abnormal bleeding, and even miscarriage. Smoking during pregnancy is also thought to increase the risk of a baby being a victim of cot death and of going on to develop a range of illnesses later in life.

Quit smoking to feel better!

 Smoking will probably leave you short of breath because of the tar it contains, which inhibits your lungs’ ability to extract oxygen from the air you breathe. Giving up will have you feeling better, and your improved lung function may enable you to start doing more exercise too! If you give up, your lungs will begin to heal themselves and eventually much of the tar that has collected in your lungs will clear up.

 Quit smoking for your family

 Even if you don’t put the health of your family at risk by smoking around them, you may be putting their long-term security and happiness at risk. Give up smoking for those people who care about you. Since smoking reduces your life expectancy, there’s a possibility you could die at a much younger age than you would if you didn’t smoke. Think of the consequences of what would be left behind if you popped your clogs prematurely.

10 Of The Unhealthiest Jobs In The World

10 Of The Unhealthiest Jobs In The World


 Despite helping to keep us healthy and fit, nurses have one of the unhealthiest jobs going. A study published in the Journal of Nursing Administration found that around 55 per cent of nurses were obese, whilst another study found that of the 19,000 nurses involved in the study, 10 per cent had been physically injured whilst at work.

 Floral designer

 Working with flowers sounds like a rather pleasant career, but there are actually lots of hidden hazards. These creative workers regularly use floral foam that can cause irritation to both the eyes and skin. Floral designers can also suffer from occupation asthma and they can also be at a greater risk of contracting fungal infections. Who knew flowers could be so harmful?


 Although the majority of us who fish do so for pleasure, it seems to be a highly dangerous job. In the 2011 National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries the US Bureau of Labor Statistics found that the fishing industry suffered the most fatalities that year, with 121.2 per 100,000 workers dying whilst at work. Often the workers died when a boat capsized.

Office jobs

 If you thought that working nine to five was safe and that the most harm you could suffer in an office was from a paper cut, you’d be wrong. For those who work in an office sitting down for the majority of the day has recently been found to be very dangerous. In fact, a study conducted in 2013 found that of the 60,348 Australian men they surveyed, the more time the man sat down, the more likely they were to have a chronic disease, such as heart disease, diabetes or cancer. If you’re in an office right now, get up and move about.

Dancer or choreographer

 A study that was published in the Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology found that dancers and choreographers had a higher divorce rate than any other occupation that they studied. If you’re asking why this makes a difference to their health, consider that people who are single tend to have higher mortality rates, have worse heart health and worse mental health than those people in marriages.


If you are studying for the bar, look away now – apparently just four out of 10 lawyers would recommend their career to anyone. One reason lawyers are so unhappy is because of the high levels of stress associated with their work. A study undertaken by LawCare found that 47 per cent of their legal worker participants had felt at breaking point before and 75 per cent of those surveyed said they found their work environment stressful. Stress has a detrimental effect on our health and can lead to all sorts of health related problems, including ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.

Air hostess

 Jetting off to sunny locations and exploring exotic new places sounds fantastic, but for those air hostesses working nightshifts the jet set lifestyle could be risky. Studies have found that women who worked during the night over a long-term basis had a higher risk of developing breast cancer than those women who did not work at night. In Denmark, those women who worked night shifts on a long-term basis and who developed breast cancer have been awarded compensation for their industrial injury.

 Enlisted military personnel work with researchers at the University of Wisconsin to work out which are the most stressful jobs going. Their recent findings suggest that not only is being an enlisted military personnel the worst job, it was also dubbed as being the most stressful job in 2013 due to the highly dangerous situations they are forced to face.


Cleaners are unfortunate enough to be exposed to a whole host of unhealthy situations and chemicals. Cleaning products often contain harmful solvents, which can lead to solvent poisoning. Their cleaning products can also cause occupational asthma.

 Bus drivers

 Be kind to your bus driver the next time you see them because in 2010 the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that bus drivers had more injuries and more illnesses than any other occupation. Add to this the fact that bus drivers sit down for long stretches of time each day and you have yourself a very unhealthy job.

What Falling in Love Does to the Brain

What Falling in Love Does to the Brain

Falling in love can wreak havoc on your body. Your heart races, your tummy gets tied up in knots, and you're on an emotional roller coaster, feeling deliriously happy one minute and anxious and desperate the next. Research shows that these intense, romantic feelings come from the brain. In one small study, researchers looked at magnetic resonance images of the brains of 10 women and seven men who claimed to be deeply in love. The length of their relationships ranged from one month to less than two years. Participants were shown photographs of their beloved, and photos of a similar-looking person. The brains of the smitten participants reacted to photos of their sweethearts, producing emotional responses in the same parts of the brain normally involved with motivation and reward. "Intense passionate love uses the same system in the brain that gets activated when a person is addicted to drugs," said study co-author Arthur Aron, a psychologist at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. In other words, you start to crave the person you're in love with like a drug.

Romantic love is a primitive response

Experts have said that romantic love is one of the most powerful emotions a person can have. Humans' brains have been wired to choose a mate, and we humans become   motivated to win over that mate, sometimes going to extremes to get their attention and affection. "You can feel happy when you're in love, but you can also feel anxious," said Aron's co-author, Lucy Brown, a neuroscientist at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. "The other person becomes a goal in life," essentially, a prize. Brown said that the reward part of the brain, also dubbed the pleasure center, is an essential part of the brain needed to survive. "It helps us recognize when something feels good," she said. The drive to feel good around your intended mate may even be more powerful than the drive for sex, Brown said.

Intense romantic love could fade away

But once you've won over your love, does the feeling fade away? Not completely, Aron said. In another study, he and his colleagues looked at MRI scans of 10 women and seven men who were married for an average of 21 years and claimed they were still intensively in love with their partners. The researchers found that in each of these long-term lovers, brain regions were also activated when they looked at photos of their partners. Long-term love showed activity in the regions linked with attachment and liking a reward. "For most people, the standard pattern is a gradual decline of passionate love, but a growth in bonding," Aron said. That bonding allows for the partners to stay together long enough to have and raise children. "Most mammals don't raise children together, but humans do," he said. But the brain studies did suggest that love changes over time, Aron said. "As long as love remains, we get used to the relationship, and we're not afraid our partner will leave us, so we're not as focused on the craving," he said. Pass it on: Brain, not the heart, plays a major role in falling in love.

Self Diagnosis

Self Diagnosis

Self Diagnosis is the process by which one person try to diagnose his illness or medical condition using medical books or searching in medical websites.

Self Diagnosis can be very dangerous in many situations as the possibility of wrong diagnosis is very high which will result in choosing wrong treatment.

Self Diagnosis can be accepted in rare cases like using non prescription medications.

The Best Cures For Headache

The Best Cures For Headache

1. Relaxation Techniques

 Best for: Soothing stress before a headache starts. How they work: Simple deep breathing and stretching (neck and shoulder rolls, in particular) relax tense muscles that trigger headaches, says Dr. Sheena Aurora, the director of the Swedish Headache Center, in Seattle. A pulse-point balm with aromatherapeutic ingredients, like peppermint, can help, too. Keep in mind: Stretching also improves poor posture, another possible cause of headaches.

 2. Cold or Heat Therapy

 Best for: Medicine-free relief from minor tension headaches (which, unlike migraines, aren’t debilitating). How it works: Experts aren’t sure precisely why each therapy is effective, but cold slows blood flow and reduces inflammation, and heat increases blood flow; both of these may ease pain. “Go with your personal preference,” says Dr. Jason Rosenberg, the director of the Johns Hopkins Headache Center at Bayview, in Baltimore. Apply a cold compress (a fabric-wrapped cold pack stays cooler longer) or a heating pad wherever you hurt; limit treatment to 15 minutes at a time. Keep in mind: You can also alternate the two in five-minute increments. Start with cold, then switch to heat.

3. Caffeine

 Best for: Mild tension headaches. How it works: “One way that caffeine may help is by blocking brain receptors to adenosine, a neurotransmitter that can cause blood vessels to dilate and create pressure,” says Rosenberg. Consuming caffeine constricts those vessels, relieving pain. Sip a cup of coffee at the first sign of a headache. Keep in mind: This method is effective only if you typically consume less than 150 milligrams of caffeine a day. (That’s about one cup of coffee.) If you usually drink more, your blood vessels won’t be as responsive.

4. Peppermint Tea

 Best for: Those whose headaches are accompanied by an upset stomach. How it works: “There’s evidence that peppermint may reduce spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, which can relieve headache symptoms,” says Dr. Audrey L. Halpern, the director of the Manhattan Center for Headache and Neurology. What’s more, “neurochemical changes in the brain brought on by headaches can also affect the part of the brain that stimulates nausea,” says Halpern. And peppermint has been shown to ease a queasy stomach. Keep in mind: If you’re pregnant, talk to your doctor before using any herbal remedy or supplement, including peppermint.

5. Over-the-Counter Medications

 Best for: Headaches that do not respond to other remedies. How they work: Acetaminophen products, like Tylenol, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), like Aleve and aspirin, decrease inflammation and inhibit chemicals in the brain that produce pain. Experiment to figure out which type works better for you, but use these OTCs only one day a week. Taking them more often than that can cause medication-overuse headaches, says Halpern. To minimize stomach discomfort, take with milk or food. Keep in mind: For stronger relief, consider a brand that combines an NSAID with caffeine, such as Excedrin. According to the National Headache Foundation, caffeine may help the body absorb the medicine better.

 6. Acupuncture

 Best for: Chronic tension headaches. How it works: Tiny needles are inserted into specific points of the body; this can reduce muscle tension and encourages the release of painkilling endorphins, says Jill Blakeway, a licensed acupuncturist in New York City. Research suggests that, for some people, acupuncture may reduce tension-headache frequency by 50 percent or more. Keep in mind: Studies show that you may need 10 treatments before you start experiencing relief.

Is Google A Doctor ?

Is Google A Doctor ?

A new study published in the Journal of Consumer Research has revealed that people who self-diagnose have a higher tendency of believing they suffer from a serious illness because they concentrate on their symptoms instead of the likelihood of a certain disease. The finding has important implications for both public health professionals and consumers alike.

Dengfeng Yan and Jaideep Sengupta from Hong Kong's University of Science and Technology remark:

 "In today's wired world, self-diagnosis via internet search is very common. Such symptom-matching exercises may lead consumers to overestimate the likelihood of getting a serious disease because they focus on their symptoms while ignoring the very low likelihood that their symptoms are related to any serious illness.

" Consumers have the tendency to view their own health in a worst-case scenario compared to the health of others, which they view in a calm, objective manner. For instance, if another person has indigestion, we tend to accurately view their ailment as that, yet if we suffer the same symptoms, we may panic and think it could be a heart attack.

In a consumer survey, the researchers asked participants to imagine that they or someone else was experiencing common symptoms like coughing, fever, nasal congestion and a headache. The participants were then asked to judge the likelihood that they or the other person had contracted either a regular flu or H1N1 (swine flu) or regular.

 The researchers discovered that participants were a lot more accurate when they assessed other people's symptoms compared with themselves, pointing out that they may take medical action that is not required and can actually harm them as they are more likely to misdiagnose themselves, which is also has a negative impact from a societal cost perspective.

The researchers conclude:

 "One of the easiest ways to get rid of this bias is to see a real doctor instead of Dr. Google. A real doctor possesses much more knowledge and will take the prevalence of a disease into consideration because she is viewing the patient from a distance. This will prevent symptoms from exerting a disproportionate influence on the diagnosis."

Friday 14 February 2014

Reasons Why Cellphones Are Bad For Your Health

Reasons Why Cellphones Are Bad For Your Health

Ninety-one percent of American adults and 60 percent of teens own this device that has revolutionized communication in the 21st century — the cellphone. Whether you own an Android, an iPhone, a Blackberry, or a basic flip phone, chances are you check your phone for messages, alerts, or calls even when your mobile device isn't ringing or vibrating, reports a Pew Internet & American Life Project survey. The modern convenience that cell phones provide is responsible for everyone's increased daily use. According to the Morningside Recovery Rehabilitation Center, the average American spends 144 minutes a day using his or her phone during a 16-hour period. With an estimated six billion subscriptions worldwide and counting, cell phones have become one of the fundamental means of communication in society.

While cell phones provide an efficient and easy way to communicate with friends, family, and co-workers, excessive use can take a toll on your health. Mobile phones use transmitting radio waves through a series of base stations where radiofrequency waves are electromagnetic fields that cannot break chemical bonds or cause ionization in the human body, says the World Health Organization (WHO). Although cellphones are considered to be low-powered radiofrequency transmitters, your handset transmits power when it is on, and therefore it is important to increase your distance from the handset to reduce radiofrequency exposure. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) suggests cell phone users to keep a minimum distance of 20 centimeters from their handset to significantly reduce radiation exposure. Adults and especially children can suffer the long-term effects of radiation waves on the brain. "Young children particularly need to be careful," Dr. Devra Davis, director for environmental oncology at the University of Pittsburgh, told "We do not have enough information nor do we have enough time to be sure that cell phones are safe, and there's reason for concern that they may be harmful," she said. The University of Pittsburgh also warned its faculty and staff to limit their cell phone use due to the possible cancer risks.

Don't gamble on your life, and learn about the reasons why increased cell phone use can have short-term and long-term effects on your health.

Negatively Affects Emotions

 The presence of a cell phone while two or more people are talking face-to-face can generate negative feelings toward the person who has his or her device visible. In two studies conducted at the University of Essex in the United Kingdom, researchers studied the effects of a mobile device during a nose-to-nose conversation. In the first study, 37 pairs of strangers were asked to spend 10 minutes talking to each other about an interesting event that happened in their lives within the past month. Half of the participants were seated in a secluded area with a mobile device present on a desk nearby whereas the other half remained without a cellphone. The results of the study showed that those who had a mobile device nearby were perceived less positive by the stranger, compared to the other participants without a cell phone present.

 In the second study, researchers included 34 different pairs of strangers who were asked to discuss trivial topics while others were asked to discuss significant events that occurred in their life. Half of the participants chatted with a mobile device while with the stranger and the other half had a notebook. The results of the study showed that those who spoke about significant events in their lives with a notebook present experienced a feeling of closeness and trust in the stranger, unlike those with a cell phone. "These results demonstrate that the presence of mobile phones can interfere with human relationships, an effect that is most clear when individuals are discussing personally meaningful topics," said the researchers of the study.

 Increases Stress Levels

 The high frequency of cell phone use can have negative effects on our stress levels. The constant ringing, vibrating alerts, and reminders can put a cell phone user on edge. In a study conducted at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, researchers examined if there is a direct link between the psychosocial aspects of cell phone use and mental health symptoms in young adults. The participants of the study included 20 to 24 year olds who responded to a questionnaire, in addition to a one-year follow-up. Researchers found high mobile phone use was associated with stress and sleep disturbances for women, whereas high mobile phone use was associated with sleep disturbances and symptoms of depression in men. Overall, excessive cell phone use can be a risk factor for mental health issues in young adults. Increases Risk Of Illnesses In Your Immune System The incessant touching of your phone can harbor germs on your handset. The greasy, oily residue you may see on your cellphone after a day's use can contain more disease-prone germs than those found on a toilet seat. In a study conducted at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and Queen Mary, University of London, researchers sampled 390 cell phones and hands to measure for levels of bacteria. The results of the study showed that 92 percent of the cell phones sampled had bacteria on them — 82 percent of hands had bacteria — and 16 percent of cell phones and hands had E. Coli. Fecal matter can easily be transferred by cell phones from one person to another.

 Increases Risk Of Chronic Pain

 Cell phones require constant use of your hands, especially when sending text messages and e-mails. Responding to messages at rapid speed can cause pain and inflammation of your joints. Back pain is also common with increased cell phone use, especially if you hold the phone between your neck and shoulders as you multitask. "Long periods of cell phone use cause you to arch your neck and hold your body in a strange posture. This can lead to back pain," says

 Increases Risk Of Eye Vision Problems

 Staring at your mobile device can cause problems in your vision later in life. Screens on mobile devices tend to be smaller than computer screens, which means you are more likely to squint and strain your eyes while reading messages. According to The Vision Council, more than 70 percent of Americans don't know or are in denial that they are susceptible to digital eye strain.

6 Most Disgusting Health Treatments

6 Most Disgusting Health Treatments

1. Yogurt To Cure A Yeast Infection:

 Yogurt contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, a type of bacteria naturally found in healthy vagina. Hence vaginal yeast infection can be treated by inserting a dab or two of plain, unsweetened yogurt containing live cultures inside the vagina just as you would insert drugstore-bought anti-yeast cream. This introduces the healthy bacteria on site where it can kill yeast more effectively.

2. Hemorrhoid Cream For Reducing Under-Eye Circles:

Hemorrhoid creams soothe and shrink delicate rectal tissues by constricting blood vessels. Put a little under your eyes, and some dermatologists say it’ll work the same way, de-puffing eye bags and getting rid of dark circles around the thin skin of your under-eye area. That said, this is a home remedy that hinges on whether you can handle the smell, as hemorrhoid cream doesn’t exactly have the most fragrant odor.

 3. Maggots To Heal A Wound:

This ancient remedy is being reapplied in some of the modern hospitals after an article published in the March 2009 issue of the “Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology”. Resurgence of this treatment is in part due to the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria finding their way into pressure ulcers, post-surgical wounds, and foot ulcers commonly found in diabetics. How it works: Doctors place creepy, crawly fly larvae onto a patient’s wound. Immediately the squirmy maggots start feeding on bacteria-laden tissue, clearing it out and allowing healthy tissue to grow in.

 4. Leeches For Dissolving Blood Clots:

It’s another old-timers’ treatment method that is being brought back by modern doctors. Leeches are slimy, eel-like critters usually found in lakes, where they attach themselves to a host and feed by leeching blood through your skin. To treat a blood clot or boost blood circulation in an injured body part, MDs might put one of these blood suckers on the skin for 15 or so minutes, where they bust clots and reestablish optimum blood flow. The FDA approved the sale of leeches for medicinal purposes in 2004, so at least docs don’t have to wade through ponds to find them.

5. Horse Urine For Hot Flashes:

 Short-term hormone-replacement therapy has helped many women deal with the discomfort of menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes. But the hormones in one type of HRT, known by the brand name Premarin, come from a pretty icky source: horse urine, specifically that of a pregnant mare, who produces excess estrogen in her urine.

 6. Chia Seeds To Score Nutrients:

 These are the gritty, unappetizing little seeds that when mixed with water and slathered on a terra cotta figure sprout into a green ‘fro of hair, they become a trendy superfood. They have nutritionists touting their high levels of antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and fiber, according to an article in The New York Times. Native to Central and South America, the seeds are finding their way into stir-fry’s, cereal, juices, even cookies.

9 Awesome Uses of Chocolate

9 Awesome Uses of Chocolate

Forget death by this ultimate feel good food. More and more research is claiming that high quality, dark chocolate may actually improve your overall health. Find out what this natural ingredient can do for you.

As a spa treat, try this bath: Mix two cups chocolate milk, two tablespoons mild liquid soap, and one tablespoon honey; pour mixture into the bath. Lactic acid and antioxidants of the chocolate milk will smooth and soften your skin. The flavonoids found in dark chocolate offer protection from UV damage.

There is a good reason people crave chocolate when they are down. The tryptophan increases mood lifting serotonin in the brain. One study found that even the chocolate’s taste, smell or texture make people happy. Chocolate helps support the production of dopamine in the system. Dopamine- a brain chemical that helps to feel good is involved in brain disorders like Parkinson’s disease. Foods that stimulate dopamine production may be helpful in the prevention of such illnesses. Dark chocolate causes the release of hormones- phenylethylamines that are also released when you are in love, helping you to feel happy.

Chocolate is high in the mineral magnesium that is essential for over 100 functions in the body, including muscle function and heart health. A study published in one journal found that people who eat dark chocolate have less of a protein that indicates inflammation that can lead to a heart attack. Plus, chocolate boosts HDL or good cholesterol. So, people who consumed a fairly small amount of high quality, cocoa chocolate every week have a 30 percent lower risk of experiencing heart failure.


One University researchers found that people feel fuller and crave fewer sweet, salty and fatty foods when they snack on chocolate. Always choose dark chocolate because it has low glycemic index and reduces cravings thus steadies blood sugar levels.

The high concentration of phytonutrients- flavonoids in dark chocolate as potent antioxidants helps eliminate free radicals associated with aging and inflammation in your body. Cacao contains plant nutrients called proanthocyanidins. These nutrients have been shown in various researches to protect against carcinogens and nervous system toxins. The fiber of chocolate has been shown to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

Blood pressure

Chocolate increased vascular reactivity and improves arterial compliance. It lowers blood pressure in people who has high levels of blood pressure, according to a study published in the database of systematic reviews.

Raw cacao increases the amount of a substance known as N-arachidon oyle thanol amine in your brain. It is a neurotransmitter which improves communication between brain and nerve cells. A study found that an increase in this neurotransmitter improves memory in rats. Why it may not be able to improve human memory?

According to preliminary research in one nephrology journal, cocoa and dark chocolate can help protect the kidneys from disease.

Chocolate has been shown to help stimulate insulin, thus stopping the insulin resistance which is leading cause of diabetes.

What is the Right Age to Get Married?

What is the Right Age to Get Married?

The average age to marry is unique and different across the world.

 But what is the right age to get married? And how can you ever tell if you’re too young to marry?

 The questions are many, but you know the truth, right? You can marry at any age, as long as both of you are in love.

 Or wait a minute, is it so simple? Can you really marry at any age, as long as you’re truly and deeply in love with each other?

No, you can’t. Unfortunately, a successful marriage takes more than just true love to succeed.

 Are you ready to marry?

 Many people wonder if being eighteen or nineteen or even twenty is too young to get married. But there are so many things you have to consider. The right age to get married is a tricky way of looking at the problem. While the average age of marriage in several countries can give you some pointers, it’s not really personalized to give you the right answer.

What is the right age to get married?

 Here are five pointers that everyone who wants to get married has to look into. While being too young to get married can seem like a scary factor, there are bigger things to consider. So irrespective of whether you’re eighteen or twenty five, ask yourself these questions. And if you’re unsure of even one of these pointers, it’s probably not the best age to get married, for you or your partner. You really have to consider all these options before getting married, or you may end up in an unhappy relationship, or worse, destroy yourself physically and emotionally.

Do you have the financial stability?

 Is this the right age for you to get married? Getting married is a commitment that’s beyond sharing popcorn and watching movies, or going out for dinner dates. While your life doesn’t really change after marriage, a marriage brings with it a sense of financial responsibility. You can’t really ask your dad to give you a week’s allowance or pocket money. Are you ready to take on that burden of looking after yourself and your new family? Are both of you earning enough in steady, well paying jobs to live comfortably and manage any sudden expenses that come along the way?

 Are both of you emotionally mature?

The average age of marriage in your country will not affect your emotional maturity. It’s for you to decide. You may be partying late, having a lot of fun, and not worrying about what you’re going to do the next morning. But for two people to live with each other happily as a married couple, you need to be emotionally mature. You may have had a lot to deal with over your teenage years, like college assignments, dating, errands, meeting your friends, and tons of other stuff. Now, you’re going to have to deal with twice as much, because you have a partner who is going to have their own share of problems too. Can you handle that? You can’t really shut your room door and lock yourself anymore. Your mum isn’t going to be outside your room door after cleaning the mess you created. Once you’re married, no matter how difficult life gets, you can’t shut your problems away. You have to face it like a mature person. Are you ready for that? Is your lover ready for that?

 Are you ready to compromise in the relationship?

 Love your play station? Love talking for hours on the phone? Or love just sitting back on the couch and swishing beer cans into the bin? Are you ready to give it all up for the sake of your relationship? What about food habits, sleeping habits and how long either of you take in the bathroom? A marriage looks cute from the outside, but in real life, marriage is about love and compromise. And this compromise should come naturally. Many people in failing marriages say marriage is nothing but a compromise, and a give-and-take relationship. But that’s far from the truth. Marriage isn’t about compromise, love is. And it comes from the heart. You shouldn’t compromise to put up with your partner, you should do it only if it genuinely makes you happy. Lovers like pleasing each other with little acts of kindness and love, because it brings each other more joy and happiness. Are you ready to compromise for each other? Remember, you’re going to live with each other now, and you’re going to be sharing a lot more than a few hours every day.

Can you handle your lover’s shortcomings?

 Now, as perfect as either of you are, none of us are entirely perfect. We come with our own packages of good and bad. Good is wonderful and sweet. But can you handle the bad? Can you handle it if your partner snores? Or gets up at three in the morning because they’re hungry? Or leaves the toilet unflushed? Or perhaps, you or your partner feels lazy after work, while the other person likes to rest only after finishing all the chores. These are just a tiny part of the different shortcomings that we all come with. You may think you can definitely handle these things, but these shortcomings are actually the biggest reasons why relationships and marriages fail!

 Can you handle each other’s likes and dislikes?

Over times, little details like likes and dislikes can make sharing together time an unbearable pain. He likes watching the game, while she likes watching a TV show? Or do you like Chinese food while your partner likes Indian food? While dating, these differences seem cute and adorable, but in a marriage, these are not cute acts that happen once in a while. You have to deal with it every single day. And it’s left to both of you to compromise and adjust your own likes and dislikes to match that of your partner’s. For a successful marriage, you need to match your likes and dislikes and compromise with each other’s demands.

 So what’s the right age to get married now?

 Now that you know what it takes to hold on to a successful marriage, ask yourself the same question truthfully. Is this the right age to get married for you? Leaving the average age of marriage apart, are you and your partner really ready to move in together and live as a married couple? These five questions can seem really simple, but unless you give them a serious consideration, you might come back to this page a few months later and wonder how such small things became such unbearable issues that are tearing your marriage apart. So always be cautious. Take time to decide, and give it enough thought. It’s easy to take a plunge into the ocean of love. But are you going to like the pleasant sensation or will it be a shocking and icy chill? These questions will give you the answer.

Bacteria becoming resistant ???

Bacteria becoming resistant ???

 “This is our fault. Doctors are over-prescribing antibiotics. Got a cold? Take some penicillin. Sniffles? No problem. Have some azithromycin. Is that not working anymore? Well, got your Levaquin. Antibacterial soaps in every bathroom. We will be adding Vancomycin to the water supply soon. We bred these super bugs. They’re our babies. Now they are all grown up and they have got body piercings and a lot of anger.”

Love Syndrome

Love Syndrome

Aetiology : Unkown

Age of Onset : Teenage. Recent studies
have shown that it may affect people upto 25 years of age.\\

Risk Factors : The age itself is the major risk factor. Others include
(a) Co-education
(b) Cell Phones
(c) Movies
(d) Internet Of these the part played by the cell phones is note worthy.

Multi Organ System Failure

Clinical Features

A) The most common presenting feature is throbbing pain in the heart often described by the patient as sweet pain.
B) Loss of appetite.
C) Sleeplessness.
D) Day dreaming
E) Disinterest in any type of work. There is a danger of patient being transformed into a poet.

A) Very much dilated pupil (In search of his sweet heart).
B) Blushing of cheeks (mainly seen in girls).
C) On Auscultation: The First Heart Sound is heard as LOVE instead of LUB.
D) Smiling to self.

Pathogenesis and Clinical Course
The Disease is Gradual in onset. The patient presents with vague symptoms like loss of appetite, sleeplessness, etc., As time progress mutli organ system involvement occurs with varied symptoms. The symptoms are aggravated at the sight of patients sweet heart. The sight of patients love causes the contraction of the radial fibres of the iris muscle leading to the dilation of the pupil. The eyes remain wide open and cease to blink. The Zygomaticus major muscle automatically contarcts and the patient smiles (Smile at Sight Phenomenon). As the patient approaches his sweet heart, action potentials are generated at an irregular rate in the heart and the normal rhythm of the heart is lost. Microscopic examination of the cardiac muscle reveals the presence of abnormal pacemaker tissue at certain areas called the ROMANTIC SPOTS that are responsible for the lost rhythm of the Heart. The patient feels agitated, and a throbbing pain develops in the heart. The characteristc feature of the pain that patient wants to feel it more and more. In advanced stages, the brain is affected. If not treated properly, the patient may go bad.

Marriage Therapy holds promise of 100% cure rates. If is effective only after 22 years of age. If performed early, it may lead to adverse reactions.

Preventive Measures
Several attempts have been made to prevent the disease. The WLO (World Love Organization) expert committee has finally declared that the disease is inevitable during the age group and its prevention is literally impossible. Any attempts to interrupt the normal course of the disease may lead to more severe from of disease. So interventional measures are highly contraindicated for this disease.

Thursday 13 February 2014

New Smart Glasses Help Surgeons See Cancer

New Smart Glasses Help Surgeons See Cancer

A new prototype eyewear makes cancerous cells illuminate blue while looking through the lenses. The yet-unnamed device was developed by a team led by Samuel Achilefu of Washington University and was used on a human cancer patient for the first time just yesterday.

Depending on the type and location of the cancer, surgery can be a common first course of action to remove the diseased cells from the body. The surgeon must be careful not to cut away too much healthy tissue while at the same time getting all of the cancerous cells. As the cancerous cells are very small and can even be hard to distinguish under a microscope, surgeons need all the help they can get in properly identifying the cancer cells so they can be properly removed from the patient. If cells are left behind, the cancer will resurge and require additional surgery or more aggressive treatments.

The eyeglasses build upon previous research from Achilefu of a novel technique coined optical projection of acquired luminescence (OPAL). Molecular markers are introduced to the area slated for surgery and a video system detects and displays the luminescent cancer cells. The results of this study involving surgery in mice were published in October in the Journal of Biomedical Optics and seemed to be quite promising. The system is able to detect tumors with a diameter of 1 mm, which will reduce the amount of healthy tissue extracted during surgery. Going forward into human patients, a different biomarker will be used which will cause the tumor to glow blue on the screen.

On February 10, the glasses were put to the ultimate test as Dr. Julie Margenthaler used them to operate on a patient with breast cancer. After the surgery, she acknowledged that the technology is still in its infancy, but is “encouraged” by the potential, noting that it could reduce or even eliminate followup surgeries. While in use, the blue isn’t uniform; the shade indicates the concentration of cancer cells. Light blue patches are densely packed with cancer while darker regions have fewer diseased cells. The glasses will be used again later this month on a patient with melanoma.

Signs that Yoga is Right for You

Signs that Yoga is Right for You

It's no surprise that yoga is often perceived as an activity somewhat shrouded in mystery. Although it has risen in popularity in recent years, it's not uncommon for people to still feel perplexed in discerning whether they should give it a try. Here are some indicators that yoga would be a good fit for you.

You need to cope with stress

 If you often find yourself worried, anxious, or just plain stressed, it's clearly time to find a refreshing outlet. Thankfully, yoga can provide just that. The sense of focus and mental clearness that are essential for a successful yoga practice can work wonders in easing you into that special space of relaxation. Yoga is certainly one of your best bets if you're seeking a way to de-stress.

You want to hone your breathing

 Would you like to experience the plethora of benefits that come from simply taking a few deep breaths? Lucky for you, one significant characteristic of yoga is synchronizing movement with the breath. This is perhaps most evident in the Vinyasa Flow series, during which you essentially use breathing patterns as cues to transition into various poses. Hence, if you feel it's time to slow down and work on your breathing, yoga may be right for you.

You wish to boost your confidence

 It's not unheard of to be intimidated in certain traditional workout environments, where you may sometimes feel pressured to hold yourself to lofty standards. But in yoga, however far along you are with the poses is perfectly acceptable, as is however far you wish to take them. Yoga is an excellent option if you feel that this ample room to call your own shots can help boost your confidence in your fitness capabilities.

You want to broaden your exercise routine

Many traditional forms of exercise are sometimes narrow in focus, leaving a whole array of muscles and areas for the most part unworked. Yoga, however, comes with a multitude of "opener" poses specifically targeted at certain areas of the body that are known for gradually losing their flexibility and range of motion. Hence, if you are seeking a fresh and far-reaching form of exercise, giving yoga a chance is not a bad idea.

5 Ways to Elevate Your Heart Rate While Doing Low Impact Walking

5 Ways to Elevate Your Heart Rate While Doing Low Impact Walking
Before I begin, I must stress that I am not a fitness expert. Before starting any weight loss or fitness regimen, you should consult with your doctor and/or fitness coach. That aside, I've managed to lose 92 pounds in just under 5 months. The majority of my workouts have consisted of low impact aerobic walking. What is low impact? Low impact exercises involve little stress on the body and joints. It excludes things like jogging and jumping. It includes things like walking, biking, and swimming. Low impact exercises can become high intensity, particularly when using a full range of motion.

One of my favorite things to do is walk outdoors, but a simple stroll around town may not be challenging enough to get that heart rate raised. Here are a few things that I do while walking outdoors that not only get me all sweaty, but also get more muscle involved:

 Listen to Music with a Fast Beat

It's really easy to increase the speed of your walking when you've got a quick beat to fall into. Try finding something fun and light. If the majority of the music you listen to is slow and somber, check out the weekly Hot 100 for some ideas.

Use Your Water Bottle as a Weight

 If you don't have dumbbells or feel self-conscious about carrying dumbbells on your outdoor walk; utilize your water bottle instead! While pumping your arms, carry the bottle sideways in one hand (so the weight of the water is somewhat balanced throughout). Contract the muscles in the arm you're using as you pump it. Alternate between both arms at whatever length of time is comfortable for you.

 Make it a Dance Walk

 A lot of the things I do while walking outdoors may appear silly to onlookers, but people may not be as critical as you might think. Your high energy may actually inspire them, and it's a great way to meet people. They may wonder what you're doing and why you're doing it. The answer for that is simple: You're trying to raise your heart rate and use as many muscles as you can! If you know a few dance moves, or even if you don't, try to incorporate that into your walking. It's a fun way to get your heart pumping!

 Get Those Arms Moving

 I do a lot of different arm movements while I'm walking, and it really pays off. I've lost a noticeable amount of weight in my upper arms, shoulders, and neck. Pumping the arms back and forth is the most obvious option, but you can take it up a notch by really swaying those arms. Instead of bending at the elbow, keep your arms straightened and push one arm forward and one behind you. Your hands can be relaxed or they can be clenched -- whatever is comfortable for you.

Another thing I do with my arms is flatten my palms and push downward from side-to-side. As I'm walking, I slowly bring the arms up while pushing the entire time. I continue to push from side-to-side until the arms are up and out in front of me, pushing forward. Gradually, I let my arms push above, which makes a "raising the roof" type of motion. Once I've got my arms all the way up, I gradually bring them down. Elbows should be somewhat soft or bent. If you contract your muscles while doing so, you can actually get pretty sore! A less intense version of this would be to simply raise both arms up, slowly, and then bring them back down.

 Try Some Knee Lifts

As you're walking forward; continue to alternate between taking a step and then lifting a knee. Lift that knee up as close to your chest as you can get. Then take a step or two and switch to the other leg. Or, for higher intensity, you can do a knee lift with every step -- which should look like you're doing exaggerated marching.

8 Fat Gain Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

8 Fat Gain Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

Nor Do Your Curves If you wear your old t-shirt and suddenly start looking very curvaceous, then it could mean two things. One is that your vital assets are increasing due to hormonal reasons. The other more common reason is that you are putting on weight.

Tight Undergarments Your undergarments give you the first fat gain symptoms. When your bra strap suddenly seems a lot short and your lingerie is too tight for you, it could only mean that you have gained weight.

Double Chin Your face is one of the first places on your body where you put on weight. If you suddenly start noticing a double chin, it is a definitely sign that you are getting fatter. Some people have a tendency to have double chin, but it always gets much worse with weight gain.

Jammed Rings When your rings suddenly seem too tight on your fingers and you have literally struggle to get them off, it is time to hit the gym.

Old Photos Your old photos can be the best eye opener ever. If you take a photo that is about one year old and compare it to your present photo, you are bound to get the hints that you have been busy gaining weight.

The Dancing Belly When you gain weight in an unhealthy way, you will be gaining only loose fat. So if you feel that your hips twist every time you walk and your loose flabby belly is dancing as you move, it is a fat gain symptom for sure.

Trouble Breathing It is not just your external body that suffers from the signs of obesity., the extra fat also gets deposited in your heart and arteries. So as you get fatter, you will have trouble breathing and your movements will become slower.

Chubby Cheeks Chubby cheeks do look cute but only on kids. If your cheeks are too chubby then you have been putting on face fat that will make your cheekbones disappear.

Can Body Massage Aid Weight Loss?

Can Body Massage Aid Weight Loss?
Are you tired of trying different ways to lose weight fast? Diet, gym, yoga, pilates and several other kinds of exercises help you to lose weight. May be a body massage for weight loss can be a catalyst to slim you down. We usually go for a massage to relax and feel refreshed. The concept of having a body massage for weight loss may not have occurred to you.

Lipid Bursting Massages: Most gyms and health salons offer lipid bursting massages these days. These lipid bursting massages help to burst fat cells and help you lose weight faster. Special oils and techniques are required for lipid bursting body massages. It is the toughest to lose belly fat. That is why stomach massages are very common as they help you lose stubborn belly fat. A lipid bursting massage on the stomach gives you that extra push to get abs. However, you must not forget that body massage can aid weight loss only when it is done along with exercise and dieting. On its own, massage won't suffice to slim you down. Apart from lipid bursting massages, even normal body massages can help you lose weight. These are the reasons why massage makes weight loss easy.


The body's cramped muscles are relaxed by a warm massage. This improves the flexibility of the body. When your body is more flexible, it helps you exercise in a better way and for a longer periods of time. This in turn aids weight loss.

Speeds Up Digestion

A nice body massage relaxes your entire system. So when you are relaxed and re-energised, the process of digestion is faster and that increases the metabolism rate. This too helps in reducing weight.

Improves Blood Circulation

When the blood circulation in the body improves, fat metabolism also speeds up. As the food is assimilated into the body quickly, it indirectly impacts weight loss.

Removes Scar Tissues

Scar tissues are formed when the muscles are damaged. Wear and tear of muscles always happen during workouts. Body massage helps reduce scar, improves the flexibility of muscles and thus helps you work out with ease.

Stress Buster

 The stress hormone cortisol, slows down the intestines and decreases the rate of fat metabolism. So a de-stressing massage can help you metabolise fat much faster.


Do you need to know how to lose thigh fat? We all have different body shapes, and pear-shaped women are more prone to having thigh fat than others. However, this doesn’t mean that anyone else is immune to the horrible title “thunder thighs”. If you feel unhappy with your thighs and want to know how to lose thigh fat, there are several steps you can take to focus on losing weight around your legs. Losing weight around your legs is not only aesthetically pleasing, but it’d be healthier for your legs: Chafing and extra weight for your legs to carry around isn’t good. Read on for 8 Fantastic Tips on How to Lose Thigh Fat.

1. CLIMB STAIRS If it’s conceivable, avoid taking the elevator and climb stairs wherever you go to help lose thigh fat. This raises your metabolism and works your thigh muscles. This is a simple tip which doesn’t require you to drastically go out of your way to do, and is a great way to tone your leg muscles. To be the most effective, it’s best to use a good technique. Lean a little forward from the hips and keep your back straight.

2. JOG Jogging is a lot easier than running, and one of the best forms of cardio exercise. It burns fat and calories and is also beneficial for your whole body. However, jogging may eventually hurt your knees and ankles so make sure you have good shoes or run on grass. Generally the best time of day to jog is in the morning as there is more oxygen in the air which helps burn more calories.

3. CYCLE Cycling is another great form of exercise that works your legs, especially your thighs. This tip on how to lose thigh fat requires you to buy/use a bike, or go to the gym. However, it would be worth it as you could also use it to save money on public transport or driving, which is also better for the environment. Cycling builds stamina, endurance and is a great toning device for your legs!

 4. WALK BRISKLY Don’t just stroll when getting around to places, walking briskly is another way to lose thigh fat that doesn’t require any special effort. Power-walking burns calories and trims down fat in areas more than just your legs.

 5. SQUATS WHILE HOLDING WEIGHTS This sounds horrid and strenuous but is one of the most effective ways to lose thigh fat. Grab some manageable weights in each hand (a bottle of 500ml water would do), bend your knees with your back straight at a 90 degree angle and repeat. Do this slowly and carefully, until you feel your thighs burn! Do this regularly and expect toned leg muscles in no time.

 6. LEG EXTENSIONS Another fantastic tip on how to lose thigh fat. This is easy but requires a leg extension machine. All you have to do is sit in the machine and extend your legs. Do this slowly as rigorous stretching can damage your muscles.

 7. DRINK LOTS OF WATER Drinking water aids your metabolism and flushes out any mild toxins in your body. Dehydration is a huge source of low metabolism and health because your liver needs water to convert fat into energy. One tip is to drink water even when you don’t feel thirsty, because thirst is a sign that you are already dehydrated!

8. EAT HEALTHY Eating the right sorts of food will help raise your health and reduce fatty intake. A diet with a low calorie intake will obviously help reduce fat, but make sure you don’t cut out carbohydrates and other food that are essential in giving you energy to exercise. I hope these tips on how to lose thigh fat have given you some thoughts and inspiration on how to tackle “thunder thighs”. The easiest ways to lose thigh fat is to just walk more often, climb stairs and focus on exercise that works your leg muscles. After at least two weeks of regular exercise you should notice a change in your legs and your confidence!